Welcome! Wednesday 2/19/2025     5:19 AM  

Organization of SN17

Full EWOSN Council

Currently, the Eldridge/West Oaks SN is comprised of representatives from twenty-three neighborhoods and organizations.  Any business, non-profit, community or neighborhood organization lying within the SN17's boundaries is welcome to join the EWOSN Council.  Please see the Maps page for boundaries.

Executive Committee Officers


Jeff Baker

Vice President Nick Kornuta

Joy Cocchiara

Treasurer Diane Guillerman

Committee Chairs

Beautification - streetscape

Flooding & Drainage - city, county, state, federal
Nick Kornuta

Communication-Website, Facebook Site, E-Mails 
Jeff Baker

Infrastructure - City: capital and maintenance                                                                    Nancy Scott

Membership - attendence, newsletters

Panhandlers and Homeless

Public Safety-Houston Police Department, area crime
Jeff Baker 

Speakers- for monthly meetings

By-Laws Committee
Entire Exec. Council

Webmaster - Jeff Baker

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