Welcome! Thursday 1/16/2025     2:11 PM  

Important Information/Links

Agendas and Meeting Minutes

Energy Corridor Area Update 

Read City of Houston Planning and Development Department's SN17 resource-assessment data sheet (PDF file) for year 2014 demographics

SN17 Meetings

We meet at Eagle's Trace Retirement Community, 14703 Eagle Vista Dr, Houston, 77077,  in the new Austin Square Building at the far southeast corner of the complex, in their Catering Room..

Parking is allowed in any spot marked "Visitor" or any spot that DOES NOT have a red "R." Please join us!

EWOSN meets on every second Wednesday of the month (except in July, August and December) at 7:00 PM. Check our Events Calendar for next meeting dates and other events.

Register your HOA's info with the City of Houston

All neighborhood civic associations should register with City of Houston, to facilitate City's communication when big news or events occur particularly relevant to the associations. Fill in interactive form below, email to City of Houston at CivicUpdate@CityofHouston.net 
Download this Registration for Civic Associations form (interactive PDF)

Report Streetlight Outage to CenterPoint

You will need to provide the pole number. Click here to report the outage

Report a Stray Dog to Bureau of Animal Control

BARC's webpage "Before turning in a pet"

Chronic Criminal or Nuisance Behavior

Remember, if you see an apartment complex, business, or any property that is a haven for crime, drugs and other nuisances, these "bad neighbors" can be dealt with by the City.  Any bad neighbor behavior, including drug use or other criminal activity, should be reported to the Mayor's Citizens' Assistance Office at 832.393.0955.

City of Houston Recycling Centers

Visit the City Solid Waste Management Department's Neighborhood Depositories & Recycling Centers web page for locations and procedures. These facilities allow residents to dispose of junk waste material if they can't wait for junk waste month.

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